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Think You Have Travelled Everywhere? Think Again

January 21, 2025 -- A fortunate few well off and/or adventurous travelers might feel like there is nowhere else to go. Also, the places they enjoyed so much in the past, are now over run by cruise ships and package tours. Well if that is you, the NY Times list of "52 Places to Go" can easily solve that problem.…...

Top Retirement Towns

An artsy and entertaining town, Taos is a historical town in northern New Mexico and not too far from Santa Fe. Pueblo Indians lived here 500 years ago, followed by the Spanish in the 1500s and white settlers in the late 1800s. Taos has been home to a long line of famous artists and writers, from Georgia O'Keeffe to Thornton…...
Campton New Hampshire is home to Blair State Forest and Livermore Falls State Forest. It is a very small town of less than 3,000 people in the foothills of the White Mountains. It is great place to retire if you like skiing and/or an active outdoor lifestyle. Photo of Livermore Falls courtesy of Wikipedia and Ken Gallager (public domain)....
Solvang is a small town of about 14,000 people in the Santa Ynez mountains of Southern California. Solvang, which is Danish for "Sunny fields", is about 35 minutes inland from coastal Santa Barbara. Nearby towns include Lompoc, Buellton, Ballard, and Los Olivos.  The area  was made famous when “Sideways”, a dark movie about 2 wine-loving bad boys, was filmed here. …...
Eufaula is a small town of less than 3,000 people on Eufaula Lake,  a large reservoir in east central Oklahoma. The area is a popular resort and desirable as a low-key, relaxing retirement spot. Lake Eufaula has approximately 143,000 acres of water and over 600 miles of shoreline. Retirees can enjoy year-round outdoor activities in scenic Oklahoma, while experiencing some…...
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