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Adventurous Topretirements Members Getting Ready for Big Retirement Moves

Category: Retirement Planning

Update August, 2017 - We ran a new version of this survey this year. Here is a link to the results, which are similar but show even more interest in moving. August 5, 2013 -- Members at Topretirements are not fuzzy about their retirement plans. Instead, they are busy getting the old homestead ready for sale and packing the wagons for the move to an exciting new (and possibly very different) home. Both the response to the survey (with 1300 responses) and the quality of your insights into our questions on selling your home, what you are looking for in the next, downsizing, and moving were amazing. In this article we will summarize the results for each question. Just as important, since so many people shared their opinions on these important questions, we have provided you with summary document where you can read all of the responses to Question 11, where 830 folks were kind enough to share their concerns and thoughts about selling, finding a new home, moving and downsizing. We urge you to read them - these real world experiences have some wonderful insights and great pieces of wisdom! Survey results show Topretirements members are much more mobile than typical retirees In the survey we ran last week 48% of respondents "definitely" plan on moving to a different home for retirement. Asked about their intentions about selling the home they live in now, 68% have either already sold it or are definitely putting in the market. There was strong interest in moving


Published on August 5, 2013
Comments 65

Don’t Make These Internet and Social Media Mistakes

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

August 21, 2013 -- Now that you are retired you probably have a little more free time to pursue the interests you always wanted to. You probably also have a desire to re-connect with old friends and family. The Internet and its so called "social media" sites like Facebook are a great way to fulfill both of those desires. Their easy to use tools can instantly and effortlessly put you in contact with family, friends, acquaintances, old school mates, army buddies, long lost lovers, etc. They can also help you pursue hobbies and interests with like-minded folks in a most enjoyable way. Unfortunately, they have downsides too. Used without some common sense precautions, social media can be destructive to relationships, dangerous to you and your property, or just plain annoying. This article will first discuss the concept of social media and then outline our list of the worst mistakes retirees can make in social media. Growth and Use Social media is one of the fastest and most pervasive developments of all time. Facebook, the first and by far the biggest social networking site, was only available to students at Harvard University when it began in 2004. That handful of users has exploded to over a billion today; the New York Times recently reported one out of 7 people in the world use Facebook now! The Pew Internet Project reports that 72% of the U.S. online population uses


Published on August 21, 2013
Comments 4

Retirement Bucket Lists: Bagging the National Parks

Category: Adventurous retirement

August 25, 2013 -- Visiting the National Parks is high on most baby boomer bucket lists - at least that's what we've learned from our previous surveys (see Further Reading at end). So when your editor rolled into Yellowstone National Park two weeks ago, he not only ticked off a bucket list item, but he also experienced another great thing about getting old enough to retire. As we arrived at the gate in we noticed a sign that said Interagency Senior Pass. Asking about it, we were astonished to find that for a mere $10 anyone who is at least 62 years can enter any National Park or Natural Wildlife Refuge (more than 2,000 sites in all) for the rest of your life. And that's just not you the pass owner who is covered, it's everybody in the car, regardless of age. Discounts on amenities like camping fees are also usually available. (See end of article for how to get one, along with many other resources to help plan your trip). Now that you are retired you finally have the time to visit the parks. You also have an unbelievably cheap


Published on August 26, 2013
Comments 12

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